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Preguntas más frecuentes

  • How do I make an order?
    To make a new order, firstly you must inform us about all the requirements you might have about the product - valve or other complements through the email: You may contact us also through the phone or contact form in the section CONTACT.
  • How long does it take to deliver?
    The production of the products of your interest depends on various factors, such as if its a personalizad order with your logo, your colour and qualities or if you are looking for standard valves production, which we might have in our stock. We invite you to inform us about the quality requirements you are looking for and give us the approximate delivery date you need to get to. We will reply to you asap.
  • Can I have a test report within 48 hours?
    Sure in several testing assurements. Please concrete the quality procedement section you are looking for, if its for the product only, for its packaging and delivery or other ones and we will confirm you as per your needs.
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